Saturday, June 21, 2014
Open Letter To Delhi University's Vice Chancellor
Dear Sir,
Having been weighed down since the time you annexed our university and made it part of your extended private empire, I took the liberty of writing to you. Also, things are moving from hot to heated and worse in the month of June.
Of course you are not sorry about the fact that thousands of young people and middle aged teachers are not taking a much needed break or reading something that would add to their lives. Instead they have spent the entire summer protesting in public spaces about how you have jeopardized lives and careers by violating Education Commission Guidelines and reducing higher education to a mere shadow of its once resplendent stature.
I recall how you contributed to the destruction of the seasons at Delhi University. In the best teaching months of the year,November and December, you egged on students to take semester exams and then cool their heels at home in gorgeous weather. Since you rarely attended classes, or took them in the recent public past, you had little compunction about getting everybody to attend college and teach and learn well into hot April and then give exams in the excruciating heat of May and June, when scientifically productivity is at its lowest.
No, we don't hold you responsible for Delhi's extreme weather, only for making the worst possible use of it, and "worst possible use" of everything conceivable has really been the high-point of your tenure as Vice Chancellor.
Sidelining elected teacher representatives, pretending that the DUTA was an illegal, unofficial body was a misplaced move, on par with your sidelining of statutory decision making bodies such as the Academic and Executive Councils. The decision to design academic curriculum, instead of assisting and enabling through infrastructural support, which is really the role of university administration, was another frightful mistake. During this round, you incarcerated all departments rendering democratic teacher's general bodies in each department null and void.
You took our subject specializations away from us and served show cause notices to any one who dared to dissent. We found ourselves out of an academic environment, neck deep in a rat-race, principals who had turned into FYUP salespersons supervising handpicked syllabi makers motivated by all sorts of incremental rewards. No vice chancellor can be a subject expert in every subject taught at the university. Setting up a new chain of command and getting handpicked teachers to report directly to you and frame syllabi is far removed from best practice. It qualifies as worst practice, as does your constant refrain that due process was observed in the Academic Council and the Executive council.
You organized an academic congress and set up a task force to achieve your ends and this was distortion and manipulation of due process. Do keep your courtiers apprised of this small detail. They seem to have lost sight of this fact altogether. Possessing academic sovereignty as central university teachers in Independent India, we have never required a task force in university environs in peace-time.The truth was, you had waged war on everything the university stood for.
The foundation courses you initiated compels belief that it was brought on because you studied under the older 8+3+3 scheme. If only you had done the 10+2+3 as many of us have, you could have studied in greater depth and detail some of the shabby compulsory foundation courses that you recently piled upon the heads of hapless students. These students studied all subjects and took exams in class X and then spent two years training for specializations they could opt for as undergraduates.
It is also a great pity that the insights of political science after class VIII were denied to you. It might have enabled you to distinguish between state and university and led you to realize that they are constituted differently and subject to altogether different rules.
As of now,seers Sibal, Tharoor and Pitroda, who sponsored your Trishanku-like ascent into the Upperworld have fled the scene. Even the worshipful secretaries and doting UGC officials(the only people whom you took into confidence while you conned us)have begun to look beyond your personal charisma and seriously examine paperwork,in many instances, possibly for the first time. Shouldn't you, in your own interest, listen to what the cosmos is telling you? Sabre-rattling and getting your meager troops together is unlikely to set any streets ablaze, even in this weather.
This is worrying.. even more worrying than the elephant ride you undertook to the campus inaugural, unheeding of our antardhvani. Who rides elephants when they own feet and especially after luxury cars have been invented? Shouldn't we be done with all this now, your riding on elephants and riding roughshod over Delhi University? Let us not prolong this agony. We shall let bygones be bygones if you will allow us to believe that you too will soon be gone. It is going to need a lot of hard work to put Delhi University together again.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Delhi University's Autonomy
When I despair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won. There have been murderers and tyrants, and for a time they can seem invincible. But in the end they always fall. Think of it, always. -Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948) We need a quick recap of the events over the past several years at Delhi University. One hot summer , Vice Chancellor Pental received responses from Delhi University's eighty odd undergraduate colleges who had been asked about the introduction of semesterization. Most colleges replied in detail after deliberations in staff councils that they were not in favor of semesterization.
In any university with a fair measure of academic autonomy, the perspective of the teacher's collective should have prevailed. Pental persisted in making CDS listing the pros and cons of semesterization and then quickly pushed this change through in the Academic Council. Arguably, Pental was getting his orders from elsewhere. Nevertheless, he succeeded in destroying a very integral component of Delhi University.
In the 1980s, the optimal decade of the teachers movements, the number of elected teacher representatives in the AC was identical to the number in the AC that Pental presided over in 2007. Pental's coup reduced the elected teacher representatives in the Academic Council to a minority of numbers. For the first time in the university 's history, it became unnecessary to hear out elected teacher representatives. The Vice chancellor's men and women would always outnumber elected teacher representatives in the AC. This brinkmanship was very ably exploited by Pental's successor Singh who learnt quickly under Pental's stewardship. Singh used his mathematical ability to create a whole set of numbers outside of the Academic Council. Pental's opening gambit of riding rough shod over the interests of undergraduate teachers was used far more insidiously by Singh, who set aside not merely elected representatives but also Heads of Departments in his systemic disempowerment of the Academic Council. He set up special meetings and then instituted special empowered task forces and committees at will, eroding the rights and authority invested in staff councils and duly constituted committees all over the university.
Pursuing a cloak and dagger policy, Singh managed to bring all modes of academic and democratic dissent within the university to a shuddering halt. Pretending that the DUTA was a defunct group of busybodies with no academic credentials , and serving show-cause notices to dissenting teachers, Singh set about reinventing university academic life with his own band of handpicked acolytes.
The acolytes received their brief and accomplished Mission Demolition. Their work and the subsequent rewards received are all now in the public domain. Discipline I courses were substantially diluted and Discipline II courses are to be rendered irrelevant. The compulsory Foundation and Application Courses were some sort of cruel joke played upon academic life at the University
We need to remember that when DU's Vice Chancellors' took University autonomy in their own hands, wrung its neck and proceeded to do pretty much as they pleased, they received able assistance from Callous Kapil, Showstopper Shashi and Roving Rajus.
A semesterization where annual courses were trimmed and bifurcated swung into action first for science students and in the subsequent year for students of humanities and commerce. Semesterization was the first body blow dealt to SOL in place of sorting out the mess and making it a learner friendly institution, which would benefit those who had been contributing to the University coffers with minimal returns. The dual degree system was set in play, contravening statutes that deemed it obligatory for the university to offer a single degree.
Anomalies already existed in the laborious evaluation process of a humongous number of student scripts. Individual internal assessment marks from colleges needed to be factored in. In recent years, a mysterious moderation committee at the university inflated or deflated internal assessment marks to everybody's chagrin, bolstered entirely by student inability to protest.
To this was added the punitive measure of centralizing exam corrections for all undergraduate honours examinations. Teachers correcting MA scripts, did so at home. Teachers evaluating undergraduate scripts did an exaggerated prescribed minimum of twenty-five per day at ghastly correction centres with little air and water and even less food and sanitation.
Under the Dinesh regime exam reforms involved the disbanding of the secrecy clause whereby college identities became public knowledge. An eleven digit roll number, a declaration of the student's date of birth and the invigilating officer's name and countersignature became important examination totems upgrading evaluation quotient This was followed up by a surreal three part correction of every examination script whereby holistic student welfare ceased to be anybody's responsibility.
None of these issues: violation of due process, marginalization of democratically constituted decision making bodies , death of pedagogy, systemic decay, review, debate and discussion and a total incineration of student well-being cut any ice with all the movers and shakers who were involved in L'affaire University . While bureaucrats sighed over Singh's good looks, believing in the outdated adage that "handsome is as handsome does," the more dexterous politicians turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the unending erosion of university autonomy. Today, one year after FYUP has generated acute distress in every quarter of the university community, the writing is now clearly visible on all possible walls. Those who now talk of the university's autonomy, after trampling it underfoot for many years in succession only highlight the sycophancy and fear that remain sharp undercurrents in university life. Autonomy for Delhi University can never be equated with one political party's dictat replacing the excesses of another. Autonomy for Delhi University involves enabling it to set its house in order. Autonomy involves restoring to the Delhi University Teacher,Student and Karamchari community the rights and dreams enshrined in its statutes and ordinances. Autonomy for Delhi University means going back to an era when all authority was not concentrated in the hands of Vice chancellors while the rights of everyone else were simultaneously rescinded. Autonomy for Delhi University is allowing the University to function within the framework of guidelines outlined by a more liberal constitution and the guidelines of the Education Commission. Autonomy for Delhi University involves creating spaces for dialogue and welcoming dissent and debate. Autonomy for Delhi University involves a serious engagement with its teachers in all its duly constituted academic forums. Autonomy for Delhi University means a robust academic life for all its students and its teachers. In that haven of hope and possibility, may Delhi University find itself.
Friday, June 6, 2014
The FYUP Scam
As members of a College Academic Planning Committee we were responsible for charting out the devolution of the four year plan in its second year. The number of roadblocks we encountered must be put down in order to draw attention to the utterly student unfriendly educational program that the University Administration has brazenly conjured up.
Some known facts; the much touted Discipline I courses across the university have been diluted and mutilated. Mindless foundation courses , compulsory in nature, with no seeming direction have been cobbled for students. The same goes for the more ambitious application courses, where student attendance and participation has been minimized in its entirety.
Sitting with five students to hear their presentation in a makeshift classroom , a teacher of foundation or Application courses can easily feel akin to a tattoo artist or some such skilled technician. The rest of the class don't want to hear their batch mates because they have other presentations to make and assignments to submit. The VC's grandiloquent statements on the irrelevance of classroom teaching have borne fruit through the ghastly courses that have been put in place.
The course content is so gossamer and the learning so slight that students feel they might as well as do other things with their time. Handing out excellence awards for innovative teaching of these courses is not going to improve them. After discrediting serious academics and deriding classroom teaching as pedagogically flawed methodology, the university administration has set out to ensure that students are academically damned from their third semester altogether.
Take for instance 125 students opting for Commerce as Discipline I. all of whom opt for economics as Discipline II in their third semester , which is when Discipline II courses are scheduled. If other students in college also ask for economics which is a popular subject, the numbers can easily go up to 240 students. In this scenario, what can individual departments do? The Economics Department will have to run five sections. while other Departments will fall by the wayside as demand and supply chains meet.
Alarmed at this possibility, the Specially Empowered Group at DU handed every Principal a magic wand. " Go forth," they commanded, " Subject Options and availability are the prerogative of the college, and students will have the choice of complying with allotted courses."
So with a wave of the magic wand student option forms were created. Complementing the spirit of compulsory foundation courses, students were asked to fill up five Discipline II options. in order of preference.
These were to be calibrated and then based on a merit list, some students would get their subject of choice, others would be miserable, but possibly no department would die out because down to the last unwilling student, each department would have the required minimum.
While this will all be mathematically worked out, students need to pay attention to the charade that is being staged before their very eyes. They need to understand that no real choice has been made available to them at all.
Earlier commerce graduates studied Economics as an integral part of their Honours course, FYUP has cheated them by making economics optional for them and by actually presenting Discipline II as rare white goods that they have to stand for in lines since Economics will perforce be rationed to them
The possibility of being a commerce graduate in four years with edited knowledge of Commerce and none whatsoever of economics is very real. This is a pathetic prognosis for a program that promised "hands-on experience." The hands in question seem to be bent upon wringing student futures.
Imagine the state of the student who does not get the Discipline II Course she\he opted for in the first place. They are for no fault of their own in a course they do not want possibly for the second time.
So by a clever sleight of the hand and the wielding of the whip DU Administration continues to deny students the right to choose the diluted courses they have set in motion, even in their second year at the university. This is very bad for student morale and remains a poor incentive to learning.
Bleaker truths will continue to unfold for the poor FYUP ""guinea pigs". I mean no insult by this expression. This term was coined to describe freshmen\women by none other than the FYUP VC.
They were promised options of two Discipline II Courses. This cannot happen since Discipline II courses have been graded semester wise with ascending levels of specialization.
Especially in the sciences a student studying the first three units of one Discipline II course in semester 3 4 and 5 and the last three units of another Discipline II Course in semester 6, 7 and 8 will be subject to a lopsided learning process. The shortage of rooms and teaching staff will ensure in all cases that no parallel classes can be run.
Those who will exit after semester four and semester six remain of little significance because according to DU administration these were after all exit routes created to facilitate dropouts. We shall encounter many muddled research paper writers in the 7th and 8th semesters
Some known facts; the much touted Discipline I courses across the university have been diluted and mutilated. Mindless foundation courses , compulsory in nature, with no seeming direction have been cobbled for students. The same goes for the more ambitious application courses, where student attendance and participation has been minimized in its entirety.
Sitting with five students to hear their presentation in a makeshift classroom , a teacher of foundation or Application courses can easily feel akin to a tattoo artist or some such skilled technician. The rest of the class don't want to hear their batch mates because they have other presentations to make and assignments to submit. The VC's grandiloquent statements on the irrelevance of classroom teaching have borne fruit through the ghastly courses that have been put in place.
The course content is so gossamer and the learning so slight that students feel they might as well as do other things with their time. Handing out excellence awards for innovative teaching of these courses is not going to improve them. After discrediting serious academics and deriding classroom teaching as pedagogically flawed methodology, the university administration has set out to ensure that students are academically damned from their third semester altogether.
Take for instance 125 students opting for Commerce as Discipline I. all of whom opt for economics as Discipline II in their third semester , which is when Discipline II courses are scheduled. If other students in college also ask for economics which is a popular subject, the numbers can easily go up to 240 students. In this scenario, what can individual departments do? The Economics Department will have to run five sections. while other Departments will fall by the wayside as demand and supply chains meet.
Alarmed at this possibility, the Specially Empowered Group at DU handed every Principal a magic wand. " Go forth," they commanded, " Subject Options and availability are the prerogative of the college, and students will have the choice of complying with allotted courses."
So with a wave of the magic wand student option forms were created. Complementing the spirit of compulsory foundation courses, students were asked to fill up five Discipline II options. in order of preference.
These were to be calibrated and then based on a merit list, some students would get their subject of choice, others would be miserable, but possibly no department would die out because down to the last unwilling student, each department would have the required minimum.
While this will all be mathematically worked out, students need to pay attention to the charade that is being staged before their very eyes. They need to understand that no real choice has been made available to them at all.
Earlier commerce graduates studied Economics as an integral part of their Honours course, FYUP has cheated them by making economics optional for them and by actually presenting Discipline II as rare white goods that they have to stand for in lines since Economics will perforce be rationed to them
The possibility of being a commerce graduate in four years with edited knowledge of Commerce and none whatsoever of economics is very real. This is a pathetic prognosis for a program that promised "hands-on experience." The hands in question seem to be bent upon wringing student futures.
Imagine the state of the student who does not get the Discipline II Course she\he opted for in the first place. They are for no fault of their own in a course they do not want possibly for the second time.
So by a clever sleight of the hand and the wielding of the whip DU Administration continues to deny students the right to choose the diluted courses they have set in motion, even in their second year at the university. This is very bad for student morale and remains a poor incentive to learning.
Bleaker truths will continue to unfold for the poor FYUP ""guinea pigs". I mean no insult by this expression. This term was coined to describe freshmen\women by none other than the FYUP VC.
They were promised options of two Discipline II Courses. This cannot happen since Discipline II courses have been graded semester wise with ascending levels of specialization.
Especially in the sciences a student studying the first three units of one Discipline II course in semester 3 4 and 5 and the last three units of another Discipline II Course in semester 6, 7 and 8 will be subject to a lopsided learning process. The shortage of rooms and teaching staff will ensure in all cases that no parallel classes can be run.
Those who will exit after semester four and semester six remain of little significance because according to DU administration these were after all exit routes created to facilitate dropouts. We shall encounter many muddled research paper writers in the 7th and 8th semesters
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